2:42 PM

Dominican Perms

Dominican perms is now-a-days a popular name for hair straightening since it provides a smooth shiny and bouncy look to your hair. Dominican perms, basically stand for Dominican perm”enant” hair styling.
Dominican Salons throughout the country is very good at it since they provide super straightening with or without chemicals. They do have a awesome collection of quality conditioners and heat protectants. Dominican hair straightening is a well formulated procedure where certain aspects are to be carried out to have that permanent look and feel about your hair. Dominican hair straightening also does include Dominican chemical straightening.
Dominican perms styling process is carried out by mainly blowouts using blow-dryers. If you have natural hair, then your hair would be blown out by roller brush. Ultimately the shiny look of the hair is obtained by applying oil, polisher and gloss to it. During this blowing process certain amount of heat is definitely used by the concentrator nozzle but the amount of heat that is exerted upon one’s hair definitely depends on a lot of factors which include length of hair and also thickness of hair.
Depending upon your hair characteristics the amount of heat exerted could certainly be a large amount. Again using the relaxer you can certainly get that bouncy feeling in your hair with the hair feeling as very light weight.
One thing which is advisable for Dominical perms is you should not visit the Dominican hair straightening salons too frequently since usage of excessive heat on a regular basis cats its effect on your health, since in that case not only your scalp becomes rough but also it becomes flaky and itchy . This ultimately leads to breaking of hairs which then becomes a permanent Dominican hair straightening damage.


Anonymous said...

I felt this is a good method for straightening hair,,,Thanks,
dominican hair straighthening

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